Our focus is on empowering individuals to build confidence, self-esteem, and achieve tangible goals while promoting social responsibility and citizenship.
Here is a summary of the services and activities that we provide:
Youth Support and Development:
Offering programs and activities that help young people build confidence, self-esteem, and achieve their potential. This includes mentoring, counselling, skills development, and other support services tailored to the needs of young individuals.
Community Support & Development:
Engaging with communities to promote social inclusion, reduce anti-social behaviour, and address lifestyle issues such as obesity and employability. This involves community events, workshops, and initiatives that aim to strengthen community bonds and well-being.
Small Business Development:
Supporting the creation, development, and growth of small business projects within communities. By empowering young people and communities to start and run their own businesses, they aim to contribute to the economic survival and success of the community.
Outdoor Education & Crime Diversionary Activities:
Providing outdoor education programs and activities that divert young people from negative behaviours and engage them in positive pursuits such as arts, culture, and sports. These activities help build skills, confidence, and a sense of belonging.
Volunteering & Work Experience Opportunities:
Offering volunteering and work experience opportunities to young people, allowing them to gain valuable skills, experience, and a sense of social responsibility. These opportunities help individuals develop their capabilities and contribute to their communities.
Overall, Perceptions Challenged Ltd is dedicated to empowering individuals and communities, promoting social inclusion, and fostering economic growth through various support services and activities.
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